Monday, August 11, 2014

DID ALL THAT REALLY HAPPEN?#3 Teenagers – The Most Fertile Ground

Science, math, English, art, physical education/health, computers… in every subject taught at this year’s Kilimahewa Enrichment Camp, teens revealed their eagerness to learn.   These photos and evaluation comments (unedited) from Camp share the spectrum of learning that planted curiosity, knowledge and excitement in our secondary and high school teens.


Absorbing the hand-outs 
When asked how they could apply what they learned: " I now know how to save a person who is choking. I know how to make my body healthy... I can help by urging others to do the daily exercises in order to make their body healthy and help them not be easily attacked by disease."  

The benefits of stretching...     and even a little yoga!

Colleen, a science teacher from the U.S., and Godlisten, Kilimahewa's Science teacher, use visual demonstrations. 

When asked about what subjects they enjoyed, students responded: 

"To learn science because I was doing experiments. I know now I can understand and solve questions."

"The subject which was good was science because they do experiments and hands-on activities which is why I understand very much."

"The most important skill gained… was doing practical hands on [activities] and understanding all the practical things I am doing because I am able to see me in my own eyes."

And maybe most striking....

"I learned how I can cooperate with teachers in obtaining an education since I was not aware of it before. I will now be able to feel confident in cooperating with my own teachers to approve my academic performance. "

The color wheel... pattern.... Jillian, assisted by Neema, one of our sponsored students, opens up a new world to students...

As does Carly, a soon-to-be U.S. college freshman, who led the computer sessions. 

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