Saturday, July 17, 2010

Howling dogs... and our next stop

Tonight Stephanie and I had a romantic dinner by candlelight courtesy of the Moshi power grid.

And did we mention the cacophony of sounds that marks every evening here? It begins with the cows grazing under our bedroom windows. Around 10:00 the roaming pack of nocturnal dogs begins their performance. One lowly howl starts the round, and slowly a crescendo builds... only to stop... and start again. By 4 am, the roosters decide to get in on the act, and if you're still enjoying the concert, there is the 5 am mosque call to prayer. All in a good night's sleep.

Tomorrow we will attend the children’s service at the local Catholic Church where Stephanie will smuggle in a microphone to record the beautiful singing we heard last Sunday - no behavioral problems here. Hundreds of children pile next to each other in row after row while several adults walk up and down the sides to ensure order.

In the afternoon, we will be driven to Arusha and its suburb Njiro to follow up on our sponsored students and plan for future placements at Notre Dame Secondary School. The week will begin with a morning assembly at 8:30. We will provide an update Monday evening.

1 comment:

  1. Emusoi Center in Arusha is the school that I told you sister has visited Sr. Mary, a Maryknoll sister from NJ who founded the center. Might be an interesting contact...she been there a long time.
    Stay well!
