Saturday, September 21, 2013


When Maji Tech Engineering Company hit water on Kilimahewa's property just over two years ago, the future of both the Center and the surrounding village changed dramatically.  

Students at the Kilimahewa Center partake in one nutritious meal each day as makande is cooked in the outdoor kitchen using water from the solar paneled project.

Vegetable gardens flourish to supplement our students' diet and to teach proper ways to grow and maintain crops.

Villagers brings their buckets to fetch clean water for cooking and other essential uses.

And in an example of how things can go wrong in the under-developed world ... and then maybe right:  

Shortly after the well's completion, over-enthusiastic villagers banded together to dig over a mile of trenches in which piping was laid for water distribution to their shambas (small gardens).  Unfortunately some of these chambers were accessed by individuals who, in fact,  could pay for water from the local utility.  The problem was that the utility had never provided them with service.  The utility then issued a formal complaint to the Pangani Water Basin Authority that we were providing free water to its customers - subsequently the water flowing through the pipes was shut down.  Earlier this year, however, the local utility asked Kilimahewa if EdPowerment would allow it to use the pipes to deliver water to these same customers.  The end result is an unintended collaboration.  Locals who actually can pay for water are now getting water from the utility through our pipes, while the neighborhood's  poorest continue to use the outlets on the Kilimahewa property. 


1 comment:

  1. You are doing amazing work! Greenbrier School looks forward to doing our part to help the good work continue!
